QHRI Subscription Documents

Whistle-blowings are received and investigated by the Internal Audit Function.

The following should be noted when using the whistle-blowing channel:

  • The whistle-blower shall not be threatened in any way nor be subjected to any form of discrimination or any other adverse measure, unless the facts of the case were knowingly wrong when reported.
  • Whistle-blowing should be done using proper language and not based on hearsay or false allegation that is not supported with sufficient evidence.
  • Since this is an anonymous whistle-blowing channel, all whistle-blowers shall provide evidence to reported suspected or actual fraud.
  • Any employee, who decides to disclose her(is) identity, intentionally provide falsified information/evidence for fouling other parties’ reputation aiming for personal gains shall be subjected to disciplinary actions as per the Human Resources Department Guidelines.