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National Petroleum Company Egypt Ltd (NPC Egypt) and National Petroleum Company SAE (NPC SAE), two wholly owned subsidiaries of Golden Crescent Investments Ltd, are upstream oil and gas exploration and production platform companies with a MENA footprint.

NPC Egypt holds 100% rights to the productive Shukheir Offshore Concession (which consists of the Gamma and Shukheir Bay fields located in the Gulf of Suez) and 100% rights to the South Abu Zenima (SAZ) Concession, which comprises a development lease. In addition, NPC Egypt holds 100% rights to the exploration concession of North El Maghara (NEM).

NPC SAE, through its wholly owned subsidiary Petzed Investment & Project Management Limited (Petzed), currently holds a 12.75% participating interest in the South Ramadan Concession located in the southern part of the Gulf of Suez. In 2006, NPC SAE, through Petzed, was awarded rights to the East Kheir Offshore Concession, which is currently under ratification by Egypt’s People’s Assembly.

Moreover, NPC SAE also holds shares in Nile Valley Petroleum Limited, which owns participating interests in two exploration blocks in Sudan and one in South Sudan, and in NOPC / Rally Energy, which has a heavy oil asset in Egypt and a gas field in Pakistan.