QHRI Subscription Documents

Joint Kenya Railways and Rift Valley Railways (Kenya) Limited Press Statement on the Status of the Metre Gauge Railway Concession

Joint Kenya Railways and Rift Valley Railway (Kenya) Limited Press statement on the status of the Metre Gauge Railway Concession

Since January 2017, Kenya Railways (“KR”) and Rift Valley Railways (Kenya) Limited (“RVR”) have been in discussions to resolve the disputes that resulted in KR issuing a termination notice to end the Kenya Railways Concession to Rift Valley Railways.

Following the court appearance today in the case between RVR and KR concerning the termination of the concession, KR and RVR have agreed to form a joint takeover committee that will ensure a seamless hand back of operations and conceded assets to KR, within a minimum of thirty (30) days. During this time the joint committee will also engage clients and other stakeholders concerned, and will attend to pending and emerging issues to ensure minimal disruption to their services and business operations.

In doing so, KR/RVR will also endeavor to ensure there is minimal adverse economic and social impact associated with the transition above mentioned.

We jointly wish to assure the employees, customers, and stake holders of our commitment to ensure a smooth transition and continue operations.

We will continue providing regular updates and additional information as the process moves forward to its logical conclusion.

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